Newton 2.1 update

We are happy to announce that we’ve updated Newton to version 2.1!

What’s new?

  • Settings are not tight to a composition anymore! We added a Load Settings dialog that allows you to choose between layerID (AE internal identifier, comp specific), layer index or layer name, when importing settings file.  In previous versions only layerID was used.
  • Randomizer: Allows you to randomize the value of mostly any settings in Newton.
  • Copy/Paste body settings
  • Copy/Paste joint settings
  • Loads of bug fixes
  • FREE

The  complete list of change can be found on Newton2’s product page on aescripts “version history”.

You can download the update from


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4 thoughts on “Newton 2.1 update”

  1. I updated from ver 2.073 today. I cannot close the NEWTON window unless I export the animation.

    I’ using CS6 on mac.

      1. Hi, I have painted a rope in a Photoshop layer and using it in AE as a 3d rope layer. Can I use Newton plug in to make it behave like rope in 3D space ? I am using CS6(64bit).

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